Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's Thursday...again

Another day, another annoyance. Candidate coming today, wants to be shown about town...WTH? You rented a car, drive around. What do you want me to do, point out the grocery stores? Seriously, talk to the other staff, look around, find a place to live. When I was a youngster on a meet & greet, I didn't want strangers taking me about - why must I hold everyone's hand? Grow-up, cut the cord, be an adult.
I'm tired this morning, probably because I just had to watch everything on the TIVO. Drank usual amount of coffee, but feel like more. Coffee in the office not too bad, but there are other people in there, and I'll have to make nice, which I'm not feeling today. Social strokes, the bane of the antisocial. My husband loves to say that one of the reasons he fell in love with me was because I was such a social butterfly with the ability to talk and charm anyone. HA! No, honey, I'm a really good actress......

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Am I really this angry?

I never realized just how angry I am. Like, need psychotropic drugs angry. What's up with that? I know what it is, it's this current office arrangement...I'm losing it.

And you're the manager?

Why did you come in early to work only to sit in the breakroom for 10 minutes before going to your office? Were you not the person who only yesterday mentioned to me that you wanted to advance? Why would you be promoted? People who are promoted are go-getters, not a lazy manager who comes in and sits on the sofa in the breakroom for 15 minutes and complains. Give me a break. Loser.

A word to the unwise

If you are over 60...
  • leggings should be illegal (with that egg body of yours, it's a really bad look)
  • your sweater should cover the waist of your pants (nobody wants to see THAT)
  • a buster brown haircut is not flattering
  • neither is platinum blonde

More IQ tests

Why are stupid people allowed to drive? Seriously, they are idiots. I think an IQ of at least 120 should be required. There'd be a lot less traffic.

Just shut the hell up

I share an office with a secretary. I'm not a secretary, but there is a current renovation of my section of the building, and I have to share an office or work out of my car, which is really not an option. This person is a freak. Plain and simple. A freak. An unmarried, sexually uptight virgin of 61 years of age who lives alone. During the course of the day, I listen to the slurp of coffee, the cleaning of teeth, the slurp of some blueberry concotion, and a weird humming noise that she makes when excited, agitated, happy, sad or shocked. Which is pretty much all damn day. I'm going crazy and my office will not be ready for 5 more months. I need earplugs.

Something remembered

So this morning, I was thinking about high school. Particularly high school dances, and the fact that I never, ever had a date to one. Well, in my freshman year, a guy asked me, but I thought he was a loser, and I told him my parents wouldn't let me date. Jackass. Me, that is. I think I set the tone for the next four years. I did ask a guy to the Sadie Hawkins dance when I was a junior, but we were just friends, and it was actually very boring. Just because I didn't have dates to the dances didn't mean I didn't go. I would go with other girls who didn't have dates, either. Often, we'd sit at a table with our friends who had dates, and somehow all of the dateless girls would be asked to dance, and there I'd sit. Inevitably, the dreaded, but always constant question would be asked, "Could you watch my purse?" What could I say, no? And there I'd be, alone at a table with 4 fucking purses.